Posts Tagged ‘Spiritual Warfare’
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare is the warfare between Satan and God. In the Book of Job we know that Satan talked to God. Satan said that Job worshiped God only because of the abundance that Job got from Him. God allowed Satan to remove all his earthly blessings. The only Job’s possession that Satan cannot touch is his life. Job proved himself faithful. And in the end, Job got double portion of the blessing from God.
There is still an spiritual warfare going on now. Now it is between Satan and Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross, He purchased us with His blood. Satan is a defeated foe. He knows that. The dominion and authority we once lost through Adam was recovered by Jesus. When we believe in Jesus and study His Word we already win the Spiritual battle.
The only way Satan can win against us is by hiding these truth from us. What truth? The Bible. This Book is the Word of God that tells us the whole story of Jesus (The four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) plus the epistles which follows after the Gospel. This book guides us and has power over the wiles and attacks of the Devil. But I cannot understand the Bible? Satan is smiling when you say that. Nobody, I will stress nobody can understand the Bible by himself alone. You need the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible. Nobody in this earth could be a better teacher than Jesus himself through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When you rely on Pastors, Priest, Rabbis, and any teacher claiming they can teach the Bible better than any Pastors, Priest, Rabbis, and any teacher, your knowledge is second hand. Specially, if you stop reading the Bible yourself. Truth number one accepted by all Christians, “Only Christ can save us in the Spiritual Warfare against Satan.” Who can save us is not the church nor the denomination. It is Jesus Himself accepting Him as our Lord and Savior. We must be born again as told by Jesus in John 3.
Prayer of Salvation: Please pray this prayer out loud to assure yourself of eternal life promised by God through Jesus.
Dear God in heaven, I admit I am a sinner and I need Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sin. I believe that He rose again after three days to be with You in heaven sitting at Your right hand. I thank You for forgiving my sins. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I now invite Him to be in my heart and in my life. I thank you for the Holy Spirit who will be in me to guide me, protect me, and to lead me to the path of righteousness where You want me to be now and forever.
Salvation is the result of the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and not because of our work, it is the gift of God:
Apostle Paul again in (Ephesians 2:8-9) “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast”.
My book on Salvation gives you the process a person goes through to complete his salvation proven by the Bible in order to stay in the winning spiritual realm provided by Jesus. The complete definition will give you the mind set to find your gift and use it for the Kingdom of God.